Saturday, February 11, 2012

Good Advice

Several weeks ago I desperately asked for help. Just say no was more difficult than I expected, I guess 35 years of just saying yes won’t disappear overnight.  I received some valuable advice for one, I have greatly cut down my “minutes of media” (Thanks Julie) and I started a fairly regular menu schedule. (Thanks Staci) The kids eat the same thing every other week, no complaints yet. While I don’t think the activity of my home has changed, (if anything the opposite) I do feel some of my sanity returning.
I was also given some advice that keeps coming back to me and echoing in my mind. Some words of great wisdom, by a great friend. In fact I think it is so helpful to us parents I want to share it, word for word; so here it is……

“A number of years back a good friend said that marriage satisfaction was highest in the early years. It slowly went down from there and hit rock bottom when the kids where in high school. Then it would slowly go up. What it did for Con and I was accept the challenge of the craziness of life, but fight against it. There were many seasons when we had to remind ourselves that this was a reality. But at the same time we fought hard to get away for a night or a weekend, to remind ourselves that we were in this together. I remember the story of Susanna Wesley, the mother of John and Charles, great preachers of the 1700's and founders of Methodism. She had 19 children. She could not say No. Yet she would at times throw her apron over her head and pray. The kids knew that this was mom time. Did it last long? Probably not. But she got the drink she needed to stay with it. I know from experience that it is often in those short meetings that the Lord will refresh me. I grab the bible and start reading. The first phrase leaps out to me. God meets and feeds my soul. I hear a phrase in a song, I pray a short prayer. And I sense God is there and shows up. Do not underestimate the small. But keep fighting for the large.” –Dan

Alright dear friends…. Keep Fighting!


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