Sunday, November 22, 2009

All You Need is Love...

I know, many, many people tell me that I was born in the wrong decade. I probably should have been born in the 50's or 60's. I want to ride the freedom bus and burn my bra. Still might do that anyway. (not for any femminist reason, just don't really like em is all) So yes all you really do need is love! Since God is love and Jesus is love, it truly is all we need. Today I am tired of politcal platforms, I am tired of you must hold this belief to be a Christian, or vote for that person to be a Christian. Who says? Sometimes Christians are so insecure and why? What do we have to be so insecure about? I believe in the Bible every single word, but telling someone who doesn't believe the Bible how to live their life, isn't going to make them believe. It also isn't going to jeopardize the status of God. God is God, always has and always will despite anyone's belief or disbelief. Isn't it really just our job to point them to Jesus? Let Jesus do the convicting, isn't our job to love? I am sure this can get out of balance but if I have to error on one side or the other, I choose to error on the side of love. I went to the most amazing church today and sitting in front of me was a man in a suit and a tie, on my right was a woman in sweats, on my left was a homeless man. I looked around and saw every color, race, age and economic status and it worked. Aren't we all God's church? Let's get rid of our religious junk so that the path will be clear for Jesus. Let's look at people and see through the eyes of Jesus, see who God made them to be. Let's try not to judge and love instead. Let what break's his heart, break ours.

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