Thursday, August 9, 2012

Christmas in August?

I know it’s a little soon to think about Christmas in August but hey they had school supplies out before school even ended.  You know it won’t be long and the red and green tinsel will be donning the shelves of Target.

I have to admit Christmas as a kid was the most exciting day of the year but honestly as an adult I start to feel anxiety at the  mere mention of the word. Instead of sugarplums dancing in my head I have Discover card bills and arguments with my husband (usually in the middle of the Target electronics aisle). I would like to blame Target ads and Walmart schemes for this festive heartburn however I think it is time to put my big girl panties on and face my own music. I am an adult. I have choices.

About now you are thinking “whoah Lisa, its August, chill out.” You see it all started when I was researching women’s Bible studies. I needed a  4 week study for November/December and that is when I came across a study called The Advent Conspiracy. The premise of the study is basically taking back Christmas. It is based on the following principles “Worship fully, spend less, (money on plastic junk) give more (of your presence) and love all.” It is for those who tired of commercialism and materialism. (and Discover card bills and fights in Target) The movement suggests giving some of the money you save for something that will make an eternal difference. Their organization of choice is Living Water International (since just a fraction of what Americans spend in one Christmas could provide clean water to the entire world) but they encourage you to find your own movement or organization to benefit.

For more information check it out….

So now I have a choice to make. I can think about, heck even do the study and talk about how I need to make a change but just continue the pattern or I can DECIDE to make a change. Make it public and do something. It has to be intentional and planned or Black Friday ads will arrive and I will forget my whole August pledge. I am going to begin my plan of attack now, today to bring CHRISTmas back. (at least to my little piece of the world)
I am still working on what this will look like (any and all ideas/guidance/wisdom would be appreciated) but I am starting with this…… Black Friday or what I would like to call Walmartmas. Instead of sleeping at Best Buy or praying for the Old Navy golden ticket I am going to begin the first phase of attack.
Phase 1-On Black Friday I am officially inviting you, yes you to my home where I will serve you breakfast. We will then spend the morning/afternoon making Christmas cookies/breads/whatever yummy we can think of. We will then deliver them to the different shut ins/widows/homeless/whoever God crosses our paths with. Children are encouraged and invited to attend. More details will follow. J

I have read the complaints about Target ads wishing Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas but since when is it Target’s job to spread the Good News? Is that what we as Christians have reduced ourselves to? It is our story, we need to tell it. Better yet, how about we live it?

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